Saturday 6 June 2015

Do Teachers hold an Esteemed Position in the Society?

            ‘Teaching is a noble profession’- this adage is well known.  Esteem means

to think highly of, a favourable opinion and respect. All said and done about

teachers we cannot deny the fact that ‘Teachers’ do hold an esteemed position in

the society. In Ancient India during the Vedic times the Guru was likened to

Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh. But today the very concept of teacher and teaching

has found a new dimension and perspective to it. Aims and goals of education

have changed and technology explosion also has changed all that a ‘Teacher’

symbolized and stood for.

            In the early 20th Century (Our Country was then ruled by the British) the

society was basically simple. But with the advent of higher education,

industrialization and demand for skilled labour brought forth the importance of

the English language in the society. English became an international language, a

language for higher education. Teaching became a skilled art and teacher’s

training gained importance. Today it is mandatory for a teacher to be trained in

education. This scenario was very different from the Vedic times where education

was basically religious. They did not include subjects like Astronomy, Physics

and Math’s. Teacher was the pivotal centre and everything focused around the

teacher. In short the teacher was all important and all knowing. Today we talk of

child centered education and the learner is the focus in the teaching- learning

process. Hence this question has often arisen whether the teacher holds that same

esteemed position like the one it had before.

            There is a great boom of information in the age we are living today. Any

type of information and the any amount of information can be obtained by the

click of a computer button. There is so much printed material for anything and

everything. Modern Schools today thrive on technology and most of the

classrooms are taught by power point presentations. The personal touch of the

teacher is definitely missing. Education today is functioning corporate style. Big

Money has entered in the field of education. One feels that they can give the

money and get the best of schools and institutes to qualify and have A Grade

academic achievements. Teacher is also a product put up for sale. It is sad because

somewhere down the line we should realize that the teachers not only teach

but enlightens the minds of the young. Teacher helps in character building, a

constant source of motivation and inspiration which ‘Teaching Machines’ cannot


            Since Independence all stalwarts of education have put forth their

recommendations to improve the education system of our country. We are striving

hard to make our country literate. The contribution of teachers is a Herculean as

they are responsible in building the nation. We cannot undermine the importance

and status of a Teacher. It is very unfortunate in our country that teachers are the

most neglected lot and poorly paid compared to other professions. This has

resulted in the downfall from their esteemed position. The quality of teachers in

our country today is also very pathetic. This also has brought down the self

respect of a Teacher. Things have changed and will also definitely change for

better. We will see the glory and status of a teachers revive like our glorious past.     

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